Thoughts on Life and Death
Human life and its death is a singular thing. Animals live, and then they die, and their life is done. They are simply absorbed back into the great mother soul […]
Rev. Cynthia Hindes is a retired priest assisting the Devon congregation and other communities on the east coast. She was ordained in 1997.
Human life and its death is a singular thing. Animals live, and then they die, and their life is done. They are simply absorbed back into the great mother soul […]
Composure We must root out of the soul all fear and horror of that which is approaching mankind from the future. How fearful and anxious man makes himself today before […]
Address given at Delegates Conference* Chicago, Nov. 4, 2005 There are three characteristics of angels that are frequently pictured in artistic renderings. The first characteristic is that angels have wings. […]
In the autumn fruit trees stand ripe for harvest. The tree offers, sacrifices its own living substance to the earth in its fruit. It makes this sacrifice so that new […]
What it comes to in the end is this: grasp the power which streams to you in the experience of Christ in the soul and in the powerful regency of […]
In the autumn fruit trees stand ripe for harvest. With its fruit the tree offers its own living substance to the earth. It makes this sacrifice so that new life, […]