The Epiphany Season in The Christian Community
Cynthia Hindes
In The Christian Community there are nine festival seasons. Just as the earth dresses herself differently in the natural cycle of the year, so does the soul clothe herself differently in the moods of the cycle of the festivals of the year. In each festival season, there are different prayers, readings and colors. The prayers and the colors help tune our souls to harmonize with the time of the year and with God and his angels.
The Epiphany festival season begins January 6 and includes the next four Sundays and the weeks following them. The brightness of Christmas deepens into the red violet (magenta) of Epiphany. Now we are to incorporate into our lives the blessings of Christ’s coming and his life on the earth. The festival moves us toward kingliness, nobility, confidence and strength of heart as we try to incorporate the divine into our humanity. The prayers speak of the star of grace that shines into open hearts. The first three festival seasons, Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, are grounded in God the Father.