Giving to the Christian Community
The Christian Community is financially independent and meets its expenses solely through the voluntary contributions and donations from its members and friends.
Those who are committed to supporting its work are invited to donate to The Christian Community in North America (“The Region”). The Region supports retired priests, the regional coordinator (Lenker), children’s camps, youth conferences and many other activities.
Receipts for income tax purposes are issued for all contributions. All gifts to the Christian Community help us to meet our goals and fulfill our mission. We are humbled by the generosity of our members and friends.
For more information: Trish Mooney, Giving Coordinator at, 301-996-5656
Why Give?
People are motivated to give for a variety of reasons. For some, there has been a personal experience of receiving or giving that altered their lives. Others may want to give back as a way of making a positive difference in the world around them. Others want to address a particular problem or support visibility for a particular issue about which they are passionate. Some people may simply enjoy the recognition and benefits of giving.
Whatever the motivation, giving is, quite simply, a good thing to do.
When we give, we feel connected to people and find purpose. Our lives hold meaning beyond just building a large retirement fund. Genuine philanthropy is based in feeling that we make a difference for the good through the gifts we give.
Ways to Give
There are three major ways that individuals give:
- Annual gifts
- Capital gifts
- Legacy gifts
Annual gifts come from personal income and help to meet the annual operating budgets of the charities we love. Cash and checks are the usual currency of annual giving.
Donations for ‘brick and mortar’ needs are considered Capital gifts. Typically, they are given as part of a campaign for new buildings, major renovations, etc. This type of gift generally comes from personal savings and allows a Christian Community congregation to acquire, improve and grow its church properties. Capital gifts are made through cash or check, appreciated securities and real estate or other personal property.
Legacy gifts are planned for while we are living, and are ‘given’ after we cross the threshold. Legacy gifts are funded from accumulated resources or assets that remain at the end of our lives and are often designated through an individual’s will.
Click here for more information on Legacy Gifts.