Entries by CCNA

The Eucharist

First published as The Metamorphosis of the Eucharist by The Christian Community in New York in about 1954. This edition, revised by James H. Hindes, published by Floris Books in […]


Ninetta Sombart: Life and Art, Volker Harlan The Isenheim Altar: Suffering and Salvation in the Art of Gruenewald, Gottfried Richter Art and Human Consciousness, Gottfried Richter

Life Issues

Crisis Points: Working Through Personal Problems, Julian Sleigh Friends and Lovers: Working Through Relationships, Julian Sleigh Learning to Experience the Etheric World: Empathy, the After-Image and a New Social Ethic, […]


Our Spiritual Companions: From Angels and Archangels to Cherubim and Seraphim, Adam Bittleston What the Angels Need to Tell Us Now: Receiving, Considering and Acting on Their Messages, Irene Johanson […]

Cycle of the Year

The Rhythm of the Christian Year: Renewing the Religious Cycle of Festivals, Emil Bock Celebrating Festivals Around the World, Evelyn Francis Capel The Christian Year, Evelyn Francis Capel Festivals with […]


Festivals with Children, Brigitte Barz Thirteen to Nineteen Discovering the Light, Julian Sleigh Collected Plays for Young and Old, Evelyn Capel The Christmas Story Book, Collected by Ineke Verschuren The […]