The Night before Christmas

In the night our consciousness is usually extinguished.  In deep sleep, something takes place in us we are usually not aware of.  Only when we wake up do we notice […]

An Interview with Erzoberlenker João Torunsky

Religion Can and Wants to Change the World Interview with João Torunsky, Erzoberlenker June 2021 Translation by Marianne Else November 13 2023


Heaven and Earth will pass away  (Mat. 24:35)

For many of us the altar is not only a familiar spot, but also a place that pulls us with an astonishing power of attraction.  One of our churchgoers once […]


Where is the New Jerusalem?

These days we all live in two very different worlds, which are more or less separated from each other.  The one thrusts itself upon us; the other is less obvious […]


“WHO CAN STAND UP TO IT?”  (Rev. 6:17)

November, the month of those who have died. In these days death is omnipresent—not in the lofty rest that often characterizes death, but in the devastating battle that takes place […]

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