Uncertain Times

In times of uncertainty, of sudden disruptions and upheaval we look for indications, for signs that can help us to process all that is upending our lives. And it is natural to search frantically for any sign that promises safety, security and a return to normalcy. And when the kind of life raft needed to get us there is still unknown, fear takes over.


But what if the fear driven, frantically thrashing about should actually be the most exhausting part in trying to stand up to the gigantic wave of massive disruption of life as we have come to know it and expect it?


Maybe the very remedy, the most effective way to deal with the wave of disruption and of uncertainty is to dive down under in a kind of active, attentively perceiving surrender, and a soft but steady will to breathe while doing so? Not with frantic, pressing questions that exhaust us but with a gentle, heart motivated curiosity as to what it might all mean. With a desire to plumb and to fathom what might be found in the dark, in the deep of the unknown and to find a place of stillness in its center.


The wise have always known: to see the light we have to first go dark.


No answer is found without entering the unknown future, however frightening a prospect that may be. Or as the provocative philosopher Nietzsche put it: ‘Without the grave there is no resurrection’. Joseph Beuys, the revolutionary and far sighted artist of the 20th century, said: ‘Every creation begins with a cross’.


It is the sign. It is the way that will take us into a new reality, into a life as we have never known before.

From Rev. Gisela Wielki’s Facebook page, March 15, 2020




What if you thought of it

as the Jews consider the Sabbath—

the most sacred of times?


Cease from travel.

Cease from buying and selling.

Give up, just for now,

on trying to make the world

different than it is.


Sing. Pray. Touch only those

to whom you commit your life.

Center down. And when your body has become still,

reach out with your heart.


Know that we are connected

in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.

(You could hardly deny it now.)


Know that our lives

are in one another’s hands.

(Surely, that has come clear.)


Do not reach out your hands.

Reach out your heart.

Reach out your words.

Reach out all the tendrils

of compassion that move, invisibly,

where we cannot touch. Promise this world your love–


for better or for worse,

in sickness and in health,

so long as we all shall live.


–Lynn Ungar, 11 March 2020


I am the door….

John 10: “I am the door.”


“While our speed may keep us safe, it also keeps us malnourished. It prevents us from tasting those things which would truly make us safe: Prayer, touch, kindness, fragrance–all those things live in rest and not in speed. Only when we take refuge in rest can we feel the company of the angels who would minister to us, regardless of what we were given. In the stillness there are forces and voices and hands and nourishment that arise, that take our breath away, but we can never know this, know this, until we rest.”

~ “Fear of Rest” in Sabbath: Restoring the Sacred Rhythm of Rest, by Wayne Muller

Each one of us can only say the words, “I am” for ourselves. The deed of Christ has brought about a turning point, so that we can have access to and be guided by our higher selves, our “I am.” Our higher selves accompany us through our lifetimes, and keep a perspective we do not yet have. How can we align ourselves with that?

Christ Jesus gave seven different pictures for us to understand and come closer to the “I am.” One is the door. A doorway allows us to pass through from one reality to another and back again. A threshold can be a mighty experience, if what is on the other side will be life-changing. The door that allows us to go from here to the spiritual world and back can be found through meditation, which aligns us with our higher self. That is what meditation is.

Meditation requires that we bring ourselves to rest. We may even spend the first ten minutes or so, just living with the word “rest.” When we rest we acknowledge that there is something deserving our attention which is not of this material world and which may bring no result.

In our current world situation there are many extremes: There are those who have been granted a “time out” in which rest, self reflection, slowing down have been made possible. And there are those who have an increased work load, with children at home and can seem to find no rest at all. All prayers, blessings and strength to them!

Nevertheless, there is Divine Wisdom working through all of this. This world pandemic has woken us up from our complacency. It has laid open our weaknesses, both as individuals and as a society. It is shaking the foundations of what we knew. For those who can respond in love, compassion, in faith in God and concern for other human beings, it has been a certain grace. We are learning to practice equanimity and balance in the face of fear and great injustice.

We are being shown “The Way,” another path of the “I am.” We have to learn to bring spiritual insights into our everyday earthly existence. The virus behaves exactly like evil itself: it is invisible, destructive, everywhere, contagious, relentless and feeds off the living although it is dead.

But when evil is met with love, it “back-fires” and becomes a transforming agent! This is what is happening with so many people through this terrible epidemic. We can transform it toward the good if we stay the course, help people as much as possible, strengthen our prayer life, take up the resurrection into our souls and raise ourselves to the highest place we can. Let us walk in grace and with Christ’s healing power.

–Rev. Carol Kelly

Congregation of the Greater Washington DC-Baltimore: https://www.ccgwb.org/

The Reflecting Pool Blogsite: https://religiousrenewalindc.wordpress.com/

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How Painful?

Incarnazione–Ninette Sombart

“In the same way, I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born,” says the Lord.
–Isaiah 66:9

“We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be.”

–C. S. Lewis



Creator Said…

The universe only pretends to be made of matter. Secretly it is made of love.

Creator said, “I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality.”

The eagle said, “Give it to me. I will take it to the moon.” Creator said, “No. One day they will go there and find it.”

The salmon said, “I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean.” Creator said, No, they will go there, too.”

The buffalo said, “I will bury it on the Great Plains.” Creator said, “They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there.”

Grandmother who lives in the breast of Mother Earth and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes, said, “Put it inside of them.” And Creator said, “It is done.”


– Creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona

Easter Prayer


Easter   II
Adam Bittleston

By His strong thought forgetfulness of God,
By His strong love the hatred of good,
By His pure life the bitterness of death,
Are overcome in depths of earth.
Time is no longer empty, through His deed;
In our heart’s beat His living grace awakes;
Into our house the Easter air is breathed
With joy that heals our blood.
Thou makest new our being that from God
Has made the long descent into the dark;
And as immortal brother Thou hast joined
The sojourners of earth.

Adam Bittleston’s Meditative Prayers for Today is available at Steinerbooks.org


News from the Seminary Directors

Dear Friends,
We have some exciting news to announce from our Seminary Directors, Jonah and Patrick! Given the extraordinary situation our congregations are experiencing world-wide, Patrick and Jonah are offering a daily podcast called ‘The Road to Emmaus’ during this Eastertide season. For the next 40 days (with the exception of Saturdays), they will be posting a new audio recording on the platform Patreon under the creator name ‘The Light in Every Thing.’

Patreon is an international platform created in 2013 specifically to connect artists/creators with those individuals who find value in their work and are willing to provide an income stream so they can continue creating. There are currently over 100,000 creators receiving financial support from over 3 million patrons each month. Our Seminary monthly subscription ranges from $3 to $40.

The Road to Emmaus – Episode 1 is open to the general public and available now by clicking this link. Going forward, future podcasts will be available to patrons who are willing to make a minimum monthly contribution of $3. The first podcast will remain unlocked, so feel free to share it with others who you think may be interested.

Easter Homily

Ninetta Sombart


Easter Sunday

Mark 16: 1-18 (adapted from Madsen)


And when the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint Him. And very early on the first day of the week, they went to the tomb just as the sun was rising. And they said to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the door of the tomb?”


And looking up, they saw that the stone was rolled back—and it was very large. And they went into the tomb. There they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clad in a white robe, and they were beside themselves with amazement. And he said to them, “Do not be startled; you seek Jesus of Nazareth the Crucified One. He is risen; He is not here; see, there is the place where they laid Him [his body]. But go and say to his disciples and Peter, “He will lead you to Galilee. There you will see Him as He promised you.”

And they went out and fled from the tomb in great haste, for trembling and astonishment had come upon them, and being awestruck, they were unable to say anything to anyone about what they had experienced.


When He had risen early on the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene from whom He had driven out seven demons. And she went and told those who had walked with Him, as they mourned and wept. But when they heard that He was alive and had been seen by her, their hearts could not grasp it.


After this, He appeared in another form to two of them on the way as they were walking over the fields. And they went back and told the rest, but they could not open their hearts to their words either.

Afterward, He appeared to the eleven themselves as they were celebrating the meal. He reproached them for their lack of openness and their hardness of heart because they had not wanted to believe those who had seen Him, the Risen One.


And He said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the new message from the realm of the angels to the whole of creation. Whoever unites his heart with it [believes] and is immersed in me [baptized] will attain salvation. But whoever closes himself against it [does not let the power of selflessness into his heart, or, does not let the power of My Self into his heart] will meet his downfall. And spiritual powers [these signs] will stand by those who [believe] unite themselves with it and will attend their path: Through the power of my being [in my name] they will drive out demons; they will speak a new language; serpents they will make upright, and poisons they are given to drink will not harm them. They will lay their hands on the sick and give healing forces to them.


Easter Sunday

April 12, 2020

Mark 16: 1-18


In the week before His death, Christ Jesus said “unless a kernel of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” John 12:24


At His crucifixion, the living power of Christ’s blood entered the earth to keep it alive. And His body was placed into a cave in the earth, the earth’s communion. He, the great Light-Seed, died into the earth.


On Holy Saturday, like a seed, he rooted himself firmly into the earth, descending to the dead.


On Easter morning, the first new shoots of His new Life broke forth from underground. New Life, capable of reproducing itself infinitely, began to grow.


This happens again every year.


At Ascension, He will open himself wide to the cosmos, while still remaining connected to the earth. And so this new Life will blossom again into the whole world. At Pentecost, His manifold light-seeds will fall into the hearts of those who love him.


And now, today, we rejoice because new Life is flashing forth from death. It is emerging from its apparent demise; it flares up from the ground of our hearts. The Light-Seed is quickening in the earth, in us. For today, as the poet says,


Every man, plant and creature in Existence,

Every woman, child, vein and note

Is a servant of our Beloved –


A harbinger of joy,

The harbinger of



*Hafiz, “Guardians of His Beauty”, in The Subject Tonight is Love — versions by Daniel Ladinsky



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Fra Angelico


            0 you fire, O you light,

            Help me, that in the dark house

            The light of Your light shine,

            lightening all darkness;

            Your warmth glow through it,

            O you fire, O you light!

                             -Sophie Michaelis


-Adam Bittleston

O Christ, I remember with love and thankfulness

Those I have known

Who have passed through the gate of death.

I know that some of these have looked on my soul

From the realm in which their souls dwell.

I thank Thee for all I have received from them;

For Thou hast brought our lives to meet.

May my thoughts and feelings reach unto them through Thee;

May they add warmth and purpose

To my earthly life.

And may my meeting again with them

Be blessed by Thee.