The Angel Michael
Emil Bock offers us thoughts from his book The Rhythm of the Christian Year.
“Today, Michael is the spiritual regent of the whole age. He has grown beyond the rank of an Archangel..When we touch the Angel, it can help us come to ourselves, for all of of us are not yet fully ourselves. Only when we make contact with the Angel, are we truly in ourselves. Only when we connect ourselves with the Archangel, do we grow beyond ourselves. And every human being who senses human dignity longs for this. But when we touch the sphere of Michael, the time spirit, we learn to stand within our age, and that means to rise above mundane, daily matters. The Angel of devotion causes hearts to be peaceful; he bestows peace. The Archangel of courage steels the inner will; he gives freedom. The primal power of transformation, the Genius of the Age, Michael, creates a new human community with the seeds of embodied spirit; he inaugurates true, humanity-encompassing love.”
Dear Friends,
This painting was not created by Terry Boardman. It is actually called St. Michael, and was painted by Arild Rosenkrantz. (This is one of two St. Michael paintings made by the Danish artist Arild Rosenkrantz (1870-1954).
Robin Mitchell
Thank you for this correction! Apparently, the credit that I found was incorrect, and I will make the changes here accordingly.
Website administrator
My great grandfather has a Last Supper painted by Arild Rosenkrantz. It is an amazing picture. This is my favorite Danish painter.
Greetings, an amazing story and painting. I am an Anthroposophist in Texas, and this spiritual movement is necessary and beautiful..Peace be on you all….Cloudrunner:)