Ich hatte als junger Mensch die Gelegenheit, Heinrich Ogilvie und seinen Bruder Karl Ogilvie, ebenfalls Priester der Christengemeinschaft, zu begegnen.…
On Heinrich Ogilvie
A very timely insight, thanks much to Rev Baan for sharing.
On The Ten Lepers: Luke 17: 11-19
Nicely presented content. Thanks for all you do.
On Sacred Undertaking: Zoom Workshop
I thoroughly enjoyed this and come to the comments to see what, a complaint about diversity and equality. It seems…
On Friedrich Rittelmeyer
Thank you for the interesting explanation! The saying from Angelus Silesius crossed my mind (sorry in German): "Wer nicht stirbt,…
On “My son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:24
Hoy fue un día particularmente intenso y malo, especialmente en lo laboral, pero también en muchos aspectos familiares. Esta homilía…
On “My son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found.” Luke 15:24
This is such wonderful news for the Christian Community! It's inspiring to see the dedication and hard work of the…
On Announcement: New Congregation!
Thanks, Bastiaan.
On In your midst stands one whom you do not know. (Jn.1:26)
Yes, an illusory world is definitely being conjured up before us which cannot, or can hardly, be distinguished from the…
On John 5: 24-25
Your blog post offers a beautifully contemplative exploration of the profound and mysterious journey of Christ's final days on earth.…
On Good Friday