Gold that lasts the whole year through — children’s summer camp
Tell your friends… there are four summer camps in North America this year!
Here is a video of Harmony Lake, the East Coast camp. (Click “Read more” from the home page).
To learn about them all, visit:
Dear friends in USA ! On the 16. July died in Stuttgart Mrs. Dagmar Klomsdorff-Bednar, 76 years old. In her younger jears she lived with contact to the Christian Community in Chicago, I believe, Mrs. Bergman was the priest in Chicago in this time.Next Monday we will have her Christian -Community funeral, with Pfarrer Stephan Ness from Stuttgart-Möhringen, on the Stuttgart Pragfriedhov. Does anybody remember Dagmar Klomsdorff-Bednar from this time. Since 1974 she lived in Stuttgart, so it must be before. Wunderfull would be, if a photo of her would be find…… Thank you very much ! Ulrich Imming, Stuttgart