Los Angeles Region

The Christian Community in Los Angeles

Address: 11030 La Maida St., North Hollywood, CA 91601
Phone:  (747) 236-4184
Website: www.theccla.org
Priest: Rev. Anna Silber has been sent to Los Angeles.  She will begin her ministry in the summer of 2025.  For information about services and visiting priests, please call (747) 236-4184 or email thechristiancommunityla@gmail.com


Affiliate Communities:

San Diego, California

Contact:  Anne Peterson, annep4re@sbcglobal.net

Note: Affiliate Communities do not have a priest working full time, however the sacraments are celebrated at a somewhat regular interval by a priest visiting from one of the established communities. The link is to the community from whence the priest visits. Contact the person listed for detail and scheduling.