Philadelphia Region
The Christian Community in the Philadelphia Area
Address: 212 Old Lancaster Rd., Devon, PA 19333
Priest: Rev. Jong Won Choi, 518-821-9790,
Affiliate Communities:
Camp Hill Village, Kimberton Hills, PA
Address: Rose Hall, 1610 Pughtown Rd., Kimberton, PA 19442
Contact: Rev. Jong Won Choi, (518) 821-9790
Princeton, NJ
Address: 16 Woodfield Lane, Lawrenceville, NJ 68648
Contact: Heide Ratliff, (609) 933-4495
Note: Affiliate Communities do not have a priest working full time, however, the sacraments are celebrated at a somewhat regular interval by a priest visiting from one of the established communities. The link is to the community from whence the priest visits. Contact the person listed for detail and scheduling.