Taconic Berkshire Region

The Christian Community in the Taconic Berkshire Region

Address: 10 Green River Lane, Hillsdale NY 12529
Phone: (518) 325-5757
Website: www.christiancommunityhillsdale.com

Priest: Rev. Carol Kelly, carolkelly.cc@gmail.com (845) 803-2071
Priest: Rev. Mimi Coleman, mcmimi2017@gmail.com (484) 302-1174
Priest: Rev. Robert Bower, rbower@thechristiancommunity.org (815) 540 7774

Priest: Rev. Peter Skaller (retired), (413) 274–6014


Affiliate Communities:

Camphill Village, Copake

Address: Fountain Hall Crypt
Contact: Joseph Papas, (518) 329-7972

Amherst, MA

Address: First Congregational Church, 165 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002
Contact:  Faith DiVecchio, 413-717-5249, faithdivecchio@gmail.com
Email: christiancommunity@bcn.net

Burlington, VT

Address: Rock Point School Chapel, 1 Rock Point Road, Burlington
Contact: Rev. Carol Kelly, carolkelly.cc@gmail.com, (845) 803-2071, or

Note: Affiliate Communities do not have a priest working full time, however the sacraments are celebrated at a somewhat regular interval by a priest visiting from one of the established communities. The link is to the community from whence the priest visits. Contact the person listed for detail and scheduling.