Taconic Berkshire Region
The Christian Community in the Taconic Berkshire Region
Address: 10 Green River Lane, Hillsdale NY 12529
Phone: (518) 325-5757
Website: www.
Priest: Rev. Carol Kelly, carolkelly.cc@gmail.com (845) 803-2071
Priest: Rev. Robert Bower, rbower@thechristiancommunity.org (815) 540 7774
Rev. Michael Brewer (retired)
(586) 430-6321
Rev. Peter Skaller (retired)
(413) 274-6014
Affiliate Communities:
Affiliate Communities do not have a priest working full time, however the sacraments are celebrated at somewhat regular intervals by a priest visiting from one of the established communities. Here are the Taconic Berkshire affiliate communities:
Pioneer Valley, MA
The Finger Lakes, NY
Camphill Village Copake, NY
Camphill Ghent, NY
For more information on these affiliates: https://christiancommunityhillsdale.org/affiliates