See what’s so great about summer camp!

Looking for a place where your children can have a great time, live in nature, learn life-building skills and make lifelong friends? Look no further! The Christian Community children’s camp offers a wonderful program.

We have camps on the west coast, in the midwest and on the east coast. Visit our summer camp page to read more about our offerings this summer.

Click here to hear and see what others have to say in a short video. (You must be on the blog post page to access the video)

but instead they looked up

Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. (Mark 16:2-4)

That the women walking to the grave only realize a short distance from their destination that they cannot move the stone away! Yet, they might have bemoaned their lack of foresight and, without ever reaching the tomb, turned around. Or perhaps they could have quickly decided to search for someone who could move the stone, but instead they looked up! It is only then that they became aware: the stone has been moved already, and the passage is open to the place where they received further clues leading them to the resurrected one.

Lamenting that the world and all knowledge of the world, like the mighty unmovable stone, leaves no room for the real working of the spirit, or the constant tendency to search for someone who will help or take the step for us: before these, the Easter deed must remain hidden.

The wakeful perceiving of world phenomena within the upward gaze is the key.

The practice of wakeful perceiving of world phenomena within the upward gaze, through which we gain clues leading us to the resurrected one: for this purpose the renewed mass, the Act of Consecration of Man was given.

-Engelbert Fischer
Priest of the Christian Community in Graz, Austria

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Annual Delegates’ Meeting


The 2016 Annual Delegates’ Meeting
will be in Chicago November 3 – 5.

If you are attending, please register here!

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Mary and Martha – inactivity vs. activity

This contemplation on the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10.   

In this chapter, the story that is heard is about Jesus coming as a guest to the house of Mary and Martha. Mary is sitting quietly, contemplatively at his feet, listening to his word. Martha is busying herself, serving, not wanting to neglect the guest.

Mary – so we hear – has chosen the best part. Read more

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Turning Suffering Into a Pearl

The oyster is an amazing being! For they hold within themselves a secret – the secret of how suffering can be useful – of how the pearl comes into being. First, sand gets caught between the shell and the membrane of the oyster, irritating it. The oyster responds to the irritant by giving it something. And little by little, this substance, called mother of pearl, that the oyster gives to the irritant, becomes the pearl.

From time to time, for each and every one of us, certain irritants also get caught in our shells. Read more

Making Peace with Destiny – New Year’s Thoughts

Angel Holding an Olive Branch; by Hans Memling, ca. 1475-1480

What will the future bring? 

This is a question that comes naturally at the beginning of a new year. This angel present an olive branch, a symbol of peace. Noah on the ark received such a branch from a dove, indicating the presence of land, giving him hope that humanity can start anew. Olive trees cannot bear nourishing fruit if they are not intensely cultivated by human beings. So Noah also received a task with this sign.Whatever the future brings comes from the divine realm. Behind every challenge, joy and surprise stands an angel, entrusting us with an opportunity to make this earth a better place and to start anew.

In Silence

Be still. 
Listen to the stones of the wall.
Be silent, they try
To speak your

To the living walls.
Who are you?
Are you? Whose
Silence are you? Read more

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Lord among the seven candles!
Giver of the light undarkened!
Helper of the souls who struggle
With their passions’ bitter visage
On the wide stairs of the Night—

Thou who bearest from the Father
Sun-Life changeful and unchanging,
Healing for the spirit’s weakness
When it weaves from wandering shadows
Error that denies Thy Being—

Christ whose love calls forth the roses
From the cross on which we suffer;
Guardian of the door to Heavens
Where the deeds on earth unfinished
Through God’s grace prepare fulfillment—

Thy strong soul unite our feeling
With the souls of men who journey
From the earth to distant star worlds;
And with those who seek the entry
To the earth which Thou has hallowed.

Adam Bittleston, in Meditative Prayers for Today, available at

Celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation

The season during which we celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation is upon us! Please join one of our communities listed below as they celebrate this special time in the lives of the young people being confirmed as well as a very significant event for the entire community.  Your participation is a gift to the youth.

Philadelphia/ Devon, PA – April 15th

Vancouver, Canada  – April 15th

Chicago, IL – April 22nd

Taconic-Berkshire – April 22nd

Sacramento, CA – April 29th

Spring Valley, NY – April 29th

Montreal, Canada – May 5th

Denver, CO – May 13


This is my first post!